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  • Extra Value | My Playbook For Restarting & Knowing When To Pivot

Extra Value | My Playbook For Restarting & Knowing When To Pivot

PLUS: How Netflix could score YouTube’s hottest show and why Twitch is handing more control to creators.

Founder’s Corner

In 2018, I faced a difficult moment that many of you can probably relate to. I had just quit playing pro hockey and was starting a brand-new life filled with uncertainty. I left hockey with no job, no savings, and no degree, but I made the decision to pivot hard rather than staying stuck.

Here’s how I restarted my life and how you can apply these lessons to make your own pivot:

1. Build a Support System
  • Don’t try to tough it out solo. Find your people—friends, family, mentors—anyone who lifts you up when you’re feeling down.

  • I can’t tell you how much I relied on my circle during that time. They kept me grounded and gave me the motivation to keep pushing, even on the toughest days.

2. Manage Your Expenses
  • Get real about your spending. Live simply, share expenses, and only spend on what’s necessary.

  • Stability is a huge help when big pivots are happening. It gave me the freedom to explore what was next when everything felt chaotic.

  • I did whatever I could to cover my basics, like splitting rent with my girlfriend and only spending on things that were investments into my new life.

3. Get Uncomfortable and Try Things
  • Pivoting means trying things that might feel awkward or out of your comfort zone. Whether it’s new workshops, meetups, or side gigs, put yourself out there!

  • I tried so many things just to see what would stick, like coaching, podcasts, and even acting, until I got more clear on what I wanted.

4. Work Harder Than Most Will
  • Outwork everyone!

  • When you find something that clicks, commit to it. Learn from the best, put in the work, and go hard at it.

  • When I left hockey, I told myself I am going to learn how the best in the world do this venture and I am going to work just as hard as they do.

5. Trust the Process
  • Set up daily routines, small goals, and stick to them even when you feel like you’re getting nowhere. Consistency compounds.

  • I knew it would take time. It’s not always going to feel like progress, but those little steps add up.

6. Share Your Vision
  • This is the most underrated part of the entire pivot.

  • Talk about where you’re at. Share your wins, your losses, and everything in between. It keeps you accountable and opens up support from others who are watching.

  • I started documenting my journey, and it turned into this community that keeps me going. Sharing makes it real, and that realness is what draws people in.

Starting over is about building the mindset and resilience to keep moving forward. Use these steps to make your own pivot, and remember, you’ve got everything you need inside you to create your own comeback. Keep pushing!

What’s Hot?

  • JT’s Takeaway: From YouTube to Netflix. I think we are going to start seeing more episodic content that is popular on YouTube being pulled onto major streaming platforms. It makes sense for both sides and especially in this format, Hot Ones would bring a LIVE element to Netflix.

  • JT’s Takeaway: Twitch is allowing its creators to choose how many ads run on their videos, with it sharing the amount of revenue they would generate along the scale. The longer form platforms like twitch and youtube seem to be ahead of the game in terms of ad infused content, and I just get curious if instagram or TikTok will eventually try and implement something like this as well.

  • You can now get plane tickets the same way you get Scrubdaddy!

  • Creator based brands are taking market share and signing BIG deals

  • Support for a U.S. TikTok ban is down to 32% as debates over ByteDance's ownership continue

  • How creators are adapting to platform restrictions by using email and text messaging

  • Human creativity, driven by emotion and purpose, will always be better than AI

  • Influencers are moving from content houses to solo living, creating a popular vlog genre focused on independence and everyday life


My biggest focus right now is the recruiting firm I started called CreatorX. We help companies connect deeper with their audience by hiring the best creators in the world for their own accounts.

Our current openings ⬇️ 

  • NYC, Short Form Creator, 15-20 videos/month, ~$7,000/month

  • Remote, Short Form Creator, 15 videos/month, $5000/month

  • NYC, Long Form Creator, 10-15 videos/month, $7000/month

  • Miami, SMM and Content Creator, 10-15 videos/month, ~$7000/month

  • Remote, YouTube Creator, 8 videos/month, ~$8000/month.

  • Remote, Short Form Creator, 30 videos/month, $4,000/month

  • Remote, Video editor, 1 video/week, ~ $6000/month

  • NY/ LA/ Austin, Short Form Creator, 10-15 videos/ month, ~$4000/month

  • LA, Short Form Creator, 20 videos/ month, ~$7000/month

  • Remote, Documentary filmmaker, 2 Youtube videos/month, ~$8000/month

  • Remote, Video Editor, ~40hr/week

  • Remote, Short Form video editor, ~20-40 hr/week, ~$10,000/month

➡️ If you are a company wanting to recruit creators with us, click here

➡️ If you are a creator wanting to work with companies, click here


or to participate.